Is your WiFi speed slow? Or is your WiFi has been connected to many devices which could slow down your WiFi speed? If yes then I have a small but important topic for you which could speed up your WiFi speed. Let's start.
How to change WiFi password in TP-Link?
First step
The first step is to know your WiFi IP address. And you might be here to know your WiFi IP address.
Steps to change your WiFi password
1. Now open your browser and enter your IP address like this.
2. After that it will ask you to log in using the username and password.
The default username and password for TP-Link is 'admin'. But if the username and password are changed then it will be incorrect.
4. Now click on 'Wireless' and after that on the 'wireless security' on your left-hand side. Now you will be able to see your WiFi password.
5. So click on the password and type the password that you want to set up on your WiFi and click save. But be sure that your new password is strong enough to make it secure.
6. After clicking save you will be able to see the suggestion to reboot so click on reboot and then it will be restarted. After the restarting is finished the WiFi password is changed.
Now you're done. Yay!
I hope you have successfully changed your WiFi password easily after reading this. Thanks for reading and meet you soon. Bye, Bye!