Best Code Editors for Android for 2023 | Beginners and Experts

Hi friends. In this article, I will be sharing with you some of the best code editors to code on mobile phones easily with a clean User-Interface (UI) including python code editor for android and more useful features such as sample codes available. Also, the applications are free to download, no ads installed etc. Let's start.

Whether you're a beginner or an expert programmer, whether you are a mobile phone user, there are plenty of great applications for coding on the go. Here is a list of the best applications for coding on your mobile phone.

1. Spck Code Editor

     Spck editor is one of the best applications to code on mobile phones as it allows its users to code all the programming languages with their extensions. While coding, it provides the matching keywords used in programming according to the entered string. Likewise, it contains the sample codes such as of snake game, web clone, terminal, flappy bird and many more codes.

Features of Spck Code Editor

  • Clean UI and easy to code
  • Sample codes available to use
  • Availability to clone GitHub repositories
  • More than just a light and dark theme
  • Built-in HTML preview
  • Prompt matching keywords considering the string being entered by the user and the programming language
  • Suitable to code any coding language (Html, Python, C, C#, C++, XML etc.)
  • Vs-Code format
  • Best for web designing

2. Sololearn

    Sololearn is another application that I want to introduce and refer to you. It is an amazing app for coding, not just on the phone but also on PCs using its website. But for mobile phone users, I prefer the Sololearn app to the website. Because the app has more features than its website. 

Features of Sololearn

  • Unlimited practice in lessons
  • Daily learning Goals and track progress
  • Free codes by users
  • Almost all programming languages supported and much more.

3. CodeAnywhere

This cloud-based code editor offers a great user experience and is available for both iOS and Android. CodeAnywhere supports a variety of coding languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and more. You can also connect to your FTP, Dropbox or Google Drive accounts for easy file sharing and editing.

4. Swift Playgrounds

This app from Apple is specifically designed for iOS users. It's a powerful and interactive way to learn coding and develop your skills in the Swift programming language. It's packed with engaging tutorials and challenges to help you learn the fundamentals of coding.


This app is designed for Android users and supports both Java and C++ coding. It features a tool for creating android applications right on your mobile phone. It supports code completion, refactoring, and debugging tools and comes with a built-in emulator so you can test your apps right away.

6. DroidScript

If you're looking for a powerful JavaScript-based coding app for Android, DroidScript is a great choice. It's easy to use and includes a variety of helpful features such as autocompletion, syntax highlighting, and integrated debugging.

7. Codea

Codea is an iPad-only coding app that allows you to create awesome projects with just your fingertips. It supports a variety of coding languages such as Lua, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It also includes helpful features like syntax highlighting, auto-indentation, and debugging.

8. Pydroid 3

Pydroid 3 is a popular python code editor for android devices that helps users learn and practice coding using the Python programming language. The app supports Python 3, and it comes with a comprehensive code editor, interpreter, and debugger. It also comes with a number of libraries pre-installed, including NumPy and Matplotlib, as well as many others. The app also has a lot of helpful tutorials and samples to help users get started. Additionally, Pydroid 3 is free to download, making it one of the best coding apps out there.

Overall, these are some of the best code editors for coding on mobile phones. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, these apps can help you get started with coding and create amazing projects on the go.
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