Many people face different types of problems while using their smartphones. One of the most common problems is the navigation bar not working problem. In this post, we will discuss how we can solve it without the help of technicians. This post is going to be useful for your smartphone because following this trick will save you time. Let's start.
How to solve the navigation bar not working problem?
How to use navigation bar after navigation bar not working problem?
You can use the navigation bar even if your phone's navigation bar is damaged. Just follow the steps below.
1. Click the button below to download the app.
2. Now install the app and open this app.
3. Now it will ask for the permissions just permit this app.
4. Now the app will open like this.
5. Now your navigation bar is ready. You also can edit the functions by just clicking on the option like left edge, right edge and bottom edge.
How to use this advanced navigation bar?
Why should you use this navigation bar?
There are many problems that most people face while using their smartphones but also there are several problems while using a smartphones' damaged navigation bar. In some smartphones, the navigation bar works but not properly like if you click the back button then it doesn't work so you need to wait some time and click on the back button. But I know that's irritating. And sometimes your phone might fall and it may even damage the navigation bar doesn't even get touched. If you keep discussing the problems then they are uncountable so these are just some of the problems that we face. So I highly recommend you to use this navigation bar.
I hope that this post helped you to use the advanced navigation bar. Meet you soon with other useful tips, tricks or apps. Good-bye.